

Junior Miss Taryn Guiel Real EstateSurrey

I decided to enter Junior Miss BC because it will give me opportunities to show the world how much I love helping other people and the world. I will learn public speaking skills for speeches at school, manners and etiquette training and internet safety that will help me when I am able to have my own social media. One of the things I am most looking forward to is showing people how big the world’s possibilities are!

I like to try to make friends with people that have a hard time making new friends. If I see someone being lonely, I always smile, wave and go ask them to play with me. I want to make the world a kinder place and I think that if people see others do kind things then they will choose to be kind as well. I think my kindness makes me unique.

“Be yourself because everyone else is taken” by Oscar Wilde This is my favorite quote because I believe that everyone is unique in their own way. There is nobody else like you so be you! People will love you just the way you are. This also reminds me to be myself and to treat people equally.

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